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Custom Player Commands

From Sanctuary Shard

Revision as of 01:22, 7 July 2019 by MamaWillow (talk | contribs)
.afk or .afk <message>
Every 1 minute, alerts other players that you are away from keyboard with an emote. Move or type ".afk" again to turn it off. Type a message after .afk (like ".afk Be back in 10 minutes") to add a custom message.
.bandage <self | partner | closest | target> [-players-only]
self: Apply a bandage to yourself
partner: Apply a bandage to your chosen partner
closest: Apply a banadage to the closest friendly target
target: Allow the player to target who should be healed
-players-only: When searching for the closest target, it will only find player targets instead of pets
Open all doors within 2 tiles of you
Dumps all items from one container into another
.emote or .e
Brings up a list of animations/sound effects your character can make
Grabs all items on the ground around you.
.grab bag
sets the bag items are grabbed into.
.grab autocarve
toggles whether to auto-carve bodies when using .grab
Opens information about you or another player. You can edit your own .look through the gump. Can also be used on items but only admins can edit item .looks.
Moves items in the same category to a bag. For example, ".moveitems" and then selecting a reagent will move all spell reagents into the selected container. ".moveitems exact" only moves items that are exactly the same (like a specific reagent type only).
Marks an item as owned by you.
Sets a targeted player as your current hunting partner. Certain other commands can operate on your partner directly
Point to a specific spot on the screen. Text will pop up at that spot.
.sort <type>
Similar to moveitems. Moves items in a specific category from one container to another. Valid types are gems, wands, regs, scrolls, armor, weapons, clothing, potions, hides, jewelry. For example, ".sort regs" will move all reagents from one container to another.
.useitem <item name>
Uses an item if it is in your backpack. The item name should be the item's name with no spaces. For example, ".useitem spellbook".
Staff member uses .shapechange set human. That sets humanbodyvalue and humanbodyhue. Then they can change the player's body value and play around with hue until the player is satisfied, and then the staff member uses .shapechange set other. This sets otherbodyvalue and otherbodyhue. Staff can also manually set all 4 of these props if they need to.
Players type .shapechange to toggle between human and non-human form
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