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From Sanctuary Shard

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Revision as of 20:53, 21 September 2020

I think we can definately say that those of Kraestret have a love of pomp, circumstance and formality, that's make a big difference in comparison to Midrvegr

I would write that more as, "they don't ask a lot of questions when things go amiss, or care to answer questions when someone comes snooping about"

They lock their doors after dark, and almost nothing will get them to open those doors

The population falls into two categories, those that expect every else to be a dangerous monster out of never forgotten folk lates .... or one of the monsters.

They are exceptionally polite and entirely uncooperative.

Bribes, threats, and political and social pressure are the name of the game.

"Loyalty is a many layered thing that comprises a continual give and take in the relationship, and only in the oldest relationships does loyalty become all encompassing."

Disputes are resolved by trial by combat

Once bought they stay bought. They can be trusted to complete a contract, but if they find a loophole they will use it.

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