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News and Rumors

From Sanctuary Shard

Revision as of 11:57, 16 October 2019 by Damian (talk | contribs) (Wardens of the Wilds)

News and Rumors are posted on a weekly basis by Noble House Leaders on the wiki. Other rumors generated from actions done in RPCSS is added to the in-game town crier and sent via the in-game postal system. Upcoming events can be found on the Message of the Day (.motd) in game. Further there is a #looking-for-role-play channel in our Discord Server. We encourage you to use the information provide in your role-play as this information is readily accessible to any one.

October 2019

Week 3

Order of the Black Lion

Any scouts that were sent to track army movements will note that they watched Emlyn forces pass through Kraestret seemingly without incident, although it remains to be seen if anything will happen farther north.

A statement of the court was recently issued noting that the kingdom was troubled by rumors of increased werewolf activity. At weekly sermon, the Lord Reagent mentioned that the archives showed the God King Brutus regularly warned his followers of an evil spirit named Sauron, who was known to take the form of a werewolf. Any such creatures found in Emlyn are to be detained for questioning.

While such proclamations are commonplace in Emlyn, it may be the subject of discussion elsewhere.

Wardens of the Wilds

After what some are calling a contentious tiff between the Lady of Carigsay and the Lord Regent of Emlyn, the Wardens have been seen moving northward with more purpose than their previous patrols indicated, presumably to address the possible threat of troll war parties hitting the northern garrisons. When pressed for details, the Ceannasai simply offered reassurances that the people of Emlyn would not suffer if the Wardens could prevent it.

In other news, with the harvest completed early, several merchant caravans have been seen heading east, to Raeyithia, as others arrive from the neighboring kingdom. Despite the sudden abdication of the Queen, it appears the Red Sovereign and the Ceannasai are all too eager to continue their diplomatic relationship to the benefit of both regions.

And a good portion of those goods are being stored in the tavern, of all places, despite not appearing to be foodstuffs or spirits. Rumor has it that following the success in Tarasinau, the two regions have decided to consolidate on a second public auction, to be held later in the week.

Raven's Kiss

Much celebration and delight by the more learned of Drokkburg has been occupying much of the attention in town early this week, after rumors began to circulate that the Order of the Silver Keys would be opening a new Northern branch in the city at the invitation of the Queen.

Many rumors about her person have also flown, particularly concerning her being often seen in either the craft hall or the temple. Something was clearly afoot, but there are few hints as to what. But given that she has been spotted numerous time walking the streets with an entirely distracted expression instead of her usual purposeful stride, many have grown concerned that perhaps her mind had been addled by something! Other insist she had merely found, rightfully, active faith with the transference and consecration of the temple.

Despite such mundane matters - positive or negative - there is still plenty of tension to go around, particularly with rumors of troops being spotted moving in nearby territory bearing the emblems of the Black Lions.

The Wild Hunt

This reporter is delighted to announce that no news of major import, intrigue, or otherwise scandal have been reported (more than once) throughout the course of the past week.

Katya, the Red Sovereign of Raeyithia (all rights reserved, patents pending) has remained an elusive presence, though the Royal Interior is still accepting all requests for audience in a subjectively organized, orderly manner. All reports indicate that these audiences have been occurring regularly. Reports also detail that a small cloaked retinue, accompanying perhaps a figure of some importance, has been seen slipping into the capitol during the wee hours of the mornings.

Word has passed that the Hunt plans to collaborate with the illustrious Wardens of the Wild for another auction, later in the coming week. Individuals from across the kingdom have been streaming in with wares, followers, and random animals in tow.

Week 2


Rumors of continue to grow as word has become to travel around the north of the sighting's of troll scouts. Abandoned short term encampments also have been noted around the boarders of Raedoria.


The common people in Midrvegr are discussing the fact that a small, but fast moving army headed down out of the far north east, aiming directly for Haverbron. A battle ensued against another armed force of unknown origin. The local populace cheered when the fierce Imperium soldiers where said to have died to a man. The question remains, who defeated them? (This is an NPC House, contact Lara with questions.)


News from Tiversonim has been quiet as they are still in the process of establishing a household in the region just north of Drokkburg. The new Lord and Lady Mythalivan are reported to having taking rooms in a district of Drokkburg on the southern side of the city.

Order of the Black Lion

Recent movements of armies, plots against bandits and the Imperium, requests to make contact with the trolls, and private meetings with the dragonfolk have been hard to ignore. This level of interference in Northern affairs by the Western kingdom of Emlyn are hard to dismiss at this point in time, and will likely be distasteful to some.

Talk has resumed about the Festival of Caerleon. The Lord Reagent dispatched the quartermaster to scout out potential locations to hold the festivities. It is said the Lord Reagent has been considering loosening the rules for participants in the melee tournament held at the festival's climax. This has caused a minor scandal among the nobles in the capital. Some feel it will add more excitement to a stiff event, others feel it will more resemble a tavern brawl than a battle of honorable combatants.


It is rumored that a small council was held in Fjarora, to discuss the recent movement of troops making its way to the Haverbron territory from the Miðrvegr capital of Andalstad. Though what exactly was said is unknown, the reinforcement of troops within the city and surrounding the Long Hall, have made it apparent that tensions are mounting in the North.

Additionally, the roar of Fenrir heard throughout the land weeks past, has continued to call those who hold an affinity for the God and wolves in general, to Fjarora. A full moon is upon us today (October 13), both a dangerous and sacred time to the Valdrdómr. And if rumors are to be believed, the hunters are finding themselves at the moment, the hunted.

The Wild Hunt

This reporter, with regret and solemnity, wishes to account for the abdication of Queen Caelestia of Raeyithia earlier this week -- much to the surprise of the general public. At this time, no reasons are being released from the Capitol as to why this may have occurred.

Currently, the crown princess Katya has been managing the affairs of Raeyithia with surprising levels of subtlety. (Save for giving herself a rather flamboyant new title, and repeatedly warning this reporter not to refer to her as "queen." Please note that all legal issues undoubtedly arising from this news entry can be directed safely to our legal counsel.)

Construction continues at an unnamed location in Emlyn, at order of the aforementioned individual. We are as yet unable to determine specifics of what seems to be a rather grandiose project. (Also, our payoffs have not been accepted by any of the royal estate's hirelings.)

On a more serious note, we have gained exclusive access to an odd request sent to the Raeyithian Royal Office of All Diplomatic Comings and Goings, directly from within the royal estate itself. (We reserve all rights to our sources.) The request, which will not be totally detailed here, has ordered the Royal Office to guarantee asylum/free rights of passage to a particular foreign dignitary, [Name Redacted], henceforth. What could this mean for the current political machinations in the Capitol?

Any movements from within the royal estate are still closely guarded, and occurring within the wee hours of the night. Though the people are as of yet unconcerned, it is clear that forces are moving within the Capitol; though to what end, this reporter is unsure.

Wardens of the Wilds

All seems quiet around Carigsay, as the last bushels and bundles of the harvest are safely stored away for the coming cold. Several travelers mention seeing increased troops on the roads leading to the city, though they move in the standard patrol pattern, rather than towards any unseen threat.

The Ceannasai has made herself much more visible this past week, helping finish the final repairs on some of the local homes and meeting with foreign dignitaries. In fact, it is said she and several others, all from distant kingdoms, spoke long into the night at the local tavern about the various goings-on in the world. Could this be the headway into a worldwide alliance? Or simple camaraderie brought about by Xavier's finest ales? Only time will tell.

Qubilat al-Asad

Early this week Sultan Sahure Izezi announced the opening of the amphitheater "Court of Contention" taking place this Friday night ( see Motd for time). Rumor has traders from across the sea have been coming in droves to witness this historic event!. Also of note that around the House of Qubilat many of the banners have been removed. Speculation among the locals is that this is just another changes the Sultan has been making.

Raven's Kiss

With the week barely begun, the gossips of Drokkburg already had plenty of fodder for wagging tongues!

Smoke smudged the skyline just south of the city coming from the pass through the mountains at the beginning of the week; though some of course insist it was some nefarious plot by foreign operatives, others insist it was clearly some horrible accident, and others still that it was an intentional message. All agree, though, that given the location of the smoke, it was almost certainly the Diplomatic Councillor's abode, as there is little else in the area that could have been ablaze.

Hot on the heels of news of the fire, word began to circulate that a bardic event was held in the long-unused theater at the south end of the docks, attended by many dignitaries, both local and foreign, and further that this was being requested by the Queen to become a regular occurrence!

Order of the Silver Key

Library patrons were abuzz with news after this week's announcement that the Library would be opening a new branch in Drokkburg. Many from the north are happy at the prospect of not having to go all the way "to that blasted desert" to study. Some whisper that this is some sort of political maneuver. A large supply train loaded down with books and people is already preparing to make the journey.

Earlier in the week, several masters and apprentices had been sent to study "abroad" at the Academy in Raedoria, by invitation of Queen Caelestia. Her unexpected abdication has left that group of scholars filled with uncertainty as to whether they are still welcome.

Week 1


It is rumored that the waters around Fjarora, have been unusually rough. The reckless waves making it impossible for ships to navigate the waters. The culmination of this being a mysterious ritual in the calming waters of the sacred pool, near the recently constructed temple to the Goddess, Yrsa.

Additionally, wolves from all corners seem to be flocking towards Fjarora, a powerful energy beckoning them, making it nearly impossible for them to ignore.

The Prismatic Sovereignty

As usual, rumors fly both in Andalstad and on the outskirts of the city. Most notably, the locals tell of a long meeting held in Castle Andal between the Lord Regeant of Emlyn, the Sultan of Andus, and Queen Nyre.

Others are far more interested in the imposing dragon general immersing himself in the local culture and people of Midrvegr. Some say he cannot hold his mead, while the soldiers gathering in Andalstad insist he could drink steadily for days without any change in expression or demeanor.

Order of the Black Lion

You may notice that nobles in all of the capitals have become worried, or even distraught, following the rapid movement of a rumor through the land. The rumor centers around a note that was given to a messenger by the Lord Reagent of Emlyn to be delivered to Daciana of Drokwald within the last two days.

The content of the message involved notice to Daciana of knights and infantry men who are set to pass near Drokwald late next week, according to an Emlyn noble familiar with the contents of the message. The Lord Reagent appears to be citing a right of the other four kingdoms to pass without unnecessary hindrance through the thin stretch of land near Drokwald that connects east to west.

The note also disclosed that the units do not have any hostile intentions towards Kraestret and were going to stay as far from Drokwald as possible to avoid misunderstandings. Traders who witnessed the units moving north noted that they did not appear to be prepared for a lengthy campaign and were not towing siege weapons behind.

Speculation has already started to run wild. Some assume that the knights are looking to chase down the bandits that attacked Molvernia, others assume Emlyn is seeking to confront The Imperium, following strong verbal rebukes by the Lord Reagent. The more conspiratorial-minded may attempt to read further into this move.

Regardless, the message is likely to lead to much talk in the coming week, and conflict between the level-headed urging restraint and the hot-headed urging confrontation.

Trolls and Imperium

Rumors of Troll movements in the far north have been reported, as well as the continued aggressive expansion of the Imperium in the far north-east.

These two groups are being ran as NPCs, if you need to speak with an NPC representative contact Lara in Discord.


Brea Wynne Wistari was seen this week leading the service to place a new god on the Arcanum Crystal in Drokkburg and is rumored to be hosting another ritual later this week in Fjarora. What is the priestess in white plotting with all her rattling and ranting!

Raven's Kiss

The town of Drokkburg has been a constant buzz of talk over the course of the week.

First about the court over the weekend, during which the Great House of Valdrdómr vowed their allegiance to the Raven's Kiss, and further the establishment of a bannerhouse loyal to Valdrdómr and hence the Raven's Kiss, House Mythalvian led by the Lady Brea Wistari in Tiversomin.

Long before the gossips grew tired with that subject, came the consecration and dedication of the Drokkburg temple to Hel, mistress of death and war, the crone aspect of the goddess Yrsa, and the setting of her on the Arcanum Stone.

Wardens of the Wilds

The Ceannasai's return was met with a brief flurry of activity but little fanfare as the people of Carigsay quickly set right back to work gathering what they can of the year's harvest. The additional aid from Raeyithia has been a great help, and most of the yield stowed safely for the coming winter. While most of the volunteers returned to Tarasinau via ship, several actually joined the Wardens, possibly looking to make a name for themselves in the Wilds.

A number of individuals have been seen making the trek to the Great Henge of Emlyn, making offerings and perhaps seeking guidance from the Horned Lord Himself, as whispers spread of yet another potential threat from the north.

The Wild Hunt

Rumors are slightly more rampant than usual throughout the Kingdom of Raeyithia this week; mildly shocking, this reporter knows.

Work crews bearing timbers, steel bands, and elaborate decor have been seen traveling between the Raeyithia High Court and the port of Emlyn, though word about this has been incredibly difficult to catch wind of. A vast nautical repair project, perhaps? Though we tried to interview some of the dockhands spied leaving the capitol on their way to Emlyn, it soon became clear their silence had been bought and paid for in some way.

The Lady Katya is said to be travelling under close guard, though this writer has been unable to confirm her precise location at any given moment. This unpredictability is fairly typical, we have been told, but it is noted nonetheless. We also reserve the right to refer to her as "Lady", and are fully prepared for incoming litigation due to this.

Her Majesty, Caelestia, was seen giving a tour of the Academy to the headmistress of the Key and the Sultan of Andus; and announced at court that she would like to offer it to those in good standing with the Kingdom who would like to hold classes and lectures.

It is also said that the lady Anemone requested permission to found a banner house of knights to keep the forest safe which, according to her, had recently been under attack. Soldiers have been sent out to investigate and assist with the matter.

Qubilat al-Asad

Word around the streets have been about the reopening of the amphitheater that is being referred to as "The Court of Contention". This has been confirmed by many sources to have been announced in his public address. This rumor seems to be confirmed by the spotting of labor forces moving in and out of the old amphitheater in preparation. Many locals are wary of this discovery and wonder what new laws make come and just how much blood will be spilled with it's rebirth. Other rumors about the city are coincide with the return of Sultan Sahure Izezi. One in particular is a hot topic among the locals that the sultan claims a vision given to him during prayer with Acrab. During this prayer Acrab spoke to the sultan about changes that needed to be done at his will. Can the amphitheater be just the beginning of many to come?

Order of the Silver Key

The Order has been unusually quiet this week, and the recent flood of shipments into the Library have slowed to a stop. However, there was a flurry of excitement at the end of the week as the Order announced its most recent find: A plaque that suggested the existence of a second Book of Io. An excursion team, including people from multiple kingdoms and a representative of the Children, was sent out and successfully recovered the sacred book.

That same day, the Headmistress was seen at the Sultan's court, sitting on the throne next to the Sultan. Whispers abound about what this may mean, if anything. The Order and the Sultan appear to be on good terms, although word has gotten out that the Headmistress heavily disapproves of the Sultan's new "Court of Contention". She has been heard saying "You cannot rule with wisdom if you rule with blood."


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